About the Workshop

Dear participants of the WMR2023,

Now that the 2nd Workshop on matter and radiation is successfully wrapped,
I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude to each and everyone of you for your active participation. Your enthusiasm, dedication, and willingness to learn made the event a resounding success.

Your insightful contributions during the discussions and interactive sessions were instrumental in creating a dynamic and engaging learning environment that enriched the workshop experience for everyone involved. The depth of your questions and the valuable perspectives you shared demonstrated a genuine commitment to personal and professional growth.

Furthermore, I would like to acknowledge the collaboration that was established throughout the workshop. The open and respectful atmosphere fostered an environment where ideas could flourish, connections could be forged, and meaningful relationships could be built.

Last but not least, the success of this workshop would not have been possible if it were not for the hard work and the dedication that have been put into work behind the scenes. For that, I want to express my gratitude to the organizing team, whose meticulous planning and execution ensured a smooth and seamless workshop that allowed all participants to fully immerse themselves in the learning experience.

Once again, thank you for your active involvement and dedication to personal and professional development. I hope you found the experience as rewarding as I did.

Please feel free to reach out if you have any further feedback or if there are any additional resources or support I can provide. I look forward to crossing paths with you all again in future endeavors.

With warmest regards
Pr. Abdelaziz SID
Head of PRIMALAB and Chairman of the WMR2023

إختتام فعاليات الورشة الوطنية الثانية حول الإشعاع و المادة

أتقدم من خلال هذه الكلمات البسيطة بجزيل الشكر لكل من ساهم من قريب أو من بعيد في النجاح المتوقع لهذا الملتقى العلمي و الذي جاء بتكاثف الجهود لمختلف الهيئات التنظيمية و العلمية و على رأسهم الأستاذ الدكتور الصيد عبد العزيز و الغني عن التعريف داخل و خارج أسوار الجامعة من حيث النوعية و الجدية التي يتميز بها في كل عمل يقوم به و من خلال الطرق المهنية و المنهجية التي اتبعها منذ انطلاق أشغال التحضير للملتقى و لغاية اليوم.

و من خلال هذه التظاهرة الغنية علميا بمختلف المشاركات من طرف باحثين من كل ربوع الوطن تأكدنا مرة أخرى من جدارة و خبرة مخبر فيزياء الإشعاعات وتفاعلاتها مع المادة على تنظيم ملتقيات علمية وطنية و دولية في القريب العاجل ان شاء الله.

كل هذا النجاح تم تثمينه من خلال وقوف عميد كلية علوم المادة الاستاذ الدكتور حابة حمادة على كل صغيرة و كبيرة و اهتماماته بتطوير الكلية إلى أعلى المراتب من خلال التنسيق الدائم و المستمر مع كل أعضاء هيئة البحث و التدريس دون أن ننسى كل طاقم الهيئة التنظيمية بقيادة الاستاذة عزوي و الهيئة العلمية بقيادة الاستاذة بلحاس سعيدة الذين كانوا حاضرين بقوة في متابعة كل مجريات الملتقى من أول يوم الى غاية انعقاده.

تمنياتي لكم بالتوفيق و النجاح و مزيد من التفوق ان شاء الله .

شكرا جميعا.

د. اسامة بولطيف رئيس قسم الفيزياء

We inform all participants that the workshop opening and plenary sessions will be held in the Faculty of Arabic Language and Literature and Arts


Submission of Abstracts -New-

Applicants to the WMR2023 who have submitted their abstracts and have not been notified yet with either an acceptance or a rejection notification are solicited to contact us via email.

Abstracts must be in English

The name of the sent file should contain : the topic, type of contribution (poster/oral) and the name of the participant as following the format: topic_type_name of the participant.

Accepted participants are kindly asked to re-send their abstracts in English according to the template via email before April 24th,2023 .

To download the template click the button below

Workshop Chairman

Pr. Sid Abdelaziz, University of Batna 1, Algeria

Honorary Chairmen

Pr. A. Dif, Rector of the University of Batna 1, Algeria

Pr. Haba Hamada, Dean of the Faculty of Matter Sciences, University of Batna 1, Algeria

The 2nd Workshop on Matter and Radiation WMR2023 is set to take place at the University of Batna 1 during the period of May 17-18th, 2023.

This Workshop will cover topics related to Physics of Matter and Radiation at the atomic and nuclear scales as well as those related to the radiation-matter interaction. These topics, which are of current relevance and great impact on industrial branches, are mainly subject to research conducted at the Physics Department at the University of Batna 1.

We aim to bring together experts on the field in a positively convivial environment with fruitful discussions in hopes of enhancing already existing research collaborations among researchers and research laboratories and establishing new ones.

We intend to involve young researchers to the fullest extent in scientific debates. For this, and as an act of encouragement, a Best Contribution competition will be held throughout the course of this Workshop where the Best Poster/Oral communication will be awarded at the Closing Ceremony of the event.

Invited Speakers

Pr. Azbouche Ahmed, CRNA, Algiers.

Pr. Seghouani Nassim, CRAAG, Algiers.

Pr. Chahed Larbi, Laboratory of Thin Layers and Materials for Electronics,University of Oran

Pr. Bouhdjer Lazher,department of physics, university of Bouira.

Scientific Commitee

Pr. Belhas SaidaChairpersonUniversity of Batna 1
Pr. Sid AbdelazizMemberUniversity of Batna 1
Pr. Bouldjedri AbdelhamidMemberUniversity of Batna 1
Pr. Belamri CherifMemberUniversity of Batna 1
Pr. Zerguine SalimaMemberUniversity of Batna 1
Pr. Delenda YazidMemberUniversity of Batna 1
Pr. Moumni MostaphaMemberUniversity of Batna 1
Dr. Smadi MoussaMemberUniversity of Batna 1
Pr. Bahloul DerradjiMemberUniversity of Batna 1
Dr. Aissaoui LamiaMemberUniversity of Batna 1
Pr.Bouhdjer LazherMemberUniversity of Bouira
Dr. Azoui HananeMemberUniversity of Batna 1
Dr. Boultif OussamaMemberUniversity of Batna 1
Pr. Righi HarounMemberUniversity of Batna 1
Pr. Tahraoui AbdelatifMemberUSTHB, Algiers
Pr. Seghouani NassimMemberCRAAG, Algiers
Pr. Redouane-Salah EssmaMemberUniversity of M’sila
Dr. Hannachi IbtissemMemberUniversity of Batna1
Dr. Fouka MouradMemberCRAAG, Algiers
Dr. Annou RachidMemberUSTHB, Algiers
Dr. Amour RabiaMemberUSTHB, Algiers
Dr. Chekour SamirMemberUSTHB, Algiers
Dr. Kechidi ZianeMemberUniversity of Medea
Dr. Bouhelal MounaMemberUniversity of Tebessa
Pr. Seghour abdessalamMemberCRNA, Algiers
Pr. Ouichaoui SaadMemberUSTHB, Algiers
Pr. Ster MammeriMemberCRNA, Algiers
Pr. Azbouche AhmedMemberCRNA, Algiers
Hadda KrarchaMemberUniversity of Batna 1
Pr. Dehimi LakhdarMemberMohammed Khieder University, Biskra
Pr. Chahdi MohamedMemberUniversity of Batna 1
Pr. Bouharket FouziaMemberUniversity of Batna 1

Organizing Commitee

Dr. Azoui HananeChairpersonUniversity of Batna 1
Eng. Ghiloubi Saada ImaneMemberUniversity of Batna 1
Eng. Lakhdari RayheneMemberUniversity of Batna 1
Pr. Bouldjedri AbdelhamidMemberUniversity of Batna 1
Pr. Sid AbdelazizMemberUniversity of Batna 1
Dr. Smadi MoussaMemberUniversity of Batna 1
Dr. Boultif OussamaMemberUniversity of Batna 1
Dr. Rekik RimaMemberUniversity of Batna 1
Dr. Siham AziezMemberUniversity of Batna 1
Dr. kasrani SouadMemberUniversity of Batna 1
Dr. Guerfa FatihaMemberUniversity of Batna 1
Dr. Ahmane ZoubidaMemberUniversity of Batna 1
Dr. Arab ZinebMemberUniversity of Batna 1
Dr. Lebbal SoumiaMemberUniversity of Batna 1
Hana BenslamaMemberUniversity of Batna 1
Hanane MebrekMemberUniversity of Batna 1
Berbache SihamMemberUniversity of Batna 1
Yakhlef DhikraMemberUniversity of Batna 1
Mekentichi AhlamMemberUniversity of Batna 1
Gaid SafaMemberUniversity of Batna 1
Dr. Bouaziz HamzaMemberUniversity of Batna 1
Rahma BelaabedMemberUniversity of Batna 1
Maalim RomaissaMemberUniversity of Batna 1
Dr. Boubir  AbirMemberUniversity of Batna 1
Dr. Merad AsmaMemberUniversity of Batna 1
Rezki HadjerMemberUniversity of Batna 1
Louafi WidadMemberUniversity of Batna 1
Dr.Amel BenahmedMemberUniversity of Batna 1
Dr. Guerraoui AmelMemberUniversity of Batna 1